Injuries and Treatment

An experienced car accident chiropractor can effectively treat a wide range of injuries and conditions. Seeking proper diagnosis from a medical professional is essential, followed by the correct treatment. If an individual leaves car accident injuries untreated it can lead to lasting pain, along with both short- and long-term side effects.

The good news is that there are many ways a car accident injury chiropractor can help.

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Symptoms: Neck, shoulder, and head pain and stiffness. Dizziness. Trouble concentrating. Amnesia. Pain or numbness in the arm or hand. Mood and sleep disturbances. Blurry vision. And more.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Chronic and permanent stiffness, pain, and loss of motion. Vertebrae misalignment. Degenerative disc disease.

Treatment: Rest, hot/cold therapy, adjustments from a car accident chiropractor, neck brace, OTC and prescription medication.

Herniated Discs

Symptoms: Pain in the arms, legs, or buttocks. Numbness or weakness in the arms or legs. Sometimes no symptoms may be present.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Treatment is not always necessary, however severe cases can lead to permanent nerve damage, as well as loss of bladder & bowel control.

Treatment: Adjustments from a car accident chiropractor, stretching techniques, physical therapy, medication, and sometimes surgery is required. Some herniated discs may heal on their own with time.

Broken Bones

Symptoms: Pain and loss of function in the affected area. Swelling, bruising, and bleeding. A numbness or tingling sensation.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Life-threatening infection, permanent physical deformity, permanent loss of motion, chronic pain.

Treatment: Splints or casts, joint or bone manipulation performed by a car accident injury chiropractor, pain medication, physical therapy.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Symptoms: Pain or pressure in your back, head, or neck. Loss of motion & functionality below the site of injury. Loss of strength. Numbness to tingling sensation. Shortness of breath. Loss of bladder & bowel control. Partial or full paralysis.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Permanent nerve damage, full & complete paralysis, chronic pain.

Treatment: Surgery, physical therapy, assistive devices, medication.

Muscular Sprains & Strains

Symptoms: Pain, swelling, and tenderness in the area. Bruising. Loss of motion. Muscle cramps and spasms.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Tissue degeneration, osteoarthritis.

Treatment: Treatment from a car accident chiropractor including adjustments, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, and more. Rest, hot/cold therapy, massage therapy from an auto accident chiropractor, acupuncture, and pain medication.

Muscle Contusion

Symptoms: Skin discoloration and bruising. Swelling, redness, and tenderness in the area. Loss of motion and limited mobility.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Untreated, severe muscle contusions can cause bleeding, acute compartment syndrome, and a condition known as myositis ossificans, where the muscle grows bone instead of new muscle cells. This can lead to chronic pain, problems with motion, and more.

Treatment: Rest, hot/cold therapy, massage therapy, stretching and physical rehabilitation, compression, pain medication.

Ligament or Tendon Tears

Symptoms: Pain, swelling, loss of motion in the area. Bruising. A tingling or numb sensation.

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Tissue degeneration and osteoarthritis.

Treatment: Rest, acupuncture, massage therapy, and physical rehabilitation performed by an auto accident chiropractor, hot/cold therapy, pain medication, splints, or bandages.

Dislocated Disc

Symptoms: Pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling in the arm or legs. Stiffness or loss of motion in the neck. Muscle spasms

Side Effects if Left Untreated: Permanent nerve damage, chronic pain, loss of bowel and bladder control.

Treatment: Adjustments from a car accident injury chiropractor, physical therapy and rehabilitation, hot/cold therapy, pain medication, surgery.

To begin receiving comprehensive treatment after a car accident, start with a professional who can correctly assess your injuries.

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